An efficient hotel booking engine, does not only keeps its customers intact by providing wider choice of hotel deals but also offers a fast and efficient access way to access it online and books it in real time. Hotel Reservation System is a multi-lingual, web based hotel booking system for travel management companies. This online booking engine comes with B2C (Business to Customers) and B2B (Business to Business) modules to cater end clients and agents as well. The online booking systems is compatible for 23 hotel xmls including GTA, Kuoni, Hotelbeds, Tourico, Travco, Special Tours, HotelsPro, Path Finder, Miki Travels, Sun Hotels, Darina Holidays, DOTW, Asian trials and Versys. The hotel booking system (B2B, B2C, B2B2C) is a feature rich, robust and scalable web based OTA solution for leading travel companies, where in the return data from GTA, Kuoni, Hotelbeds, Tourico, Travco, Special Tours, HotelsPro, Path Finder and Versys, merged into one XML feed using our proprietary algorithm to get various sorting options from a total of over 100,000 hotels worldwide. The ways in which the hotel reservation system and hotel booking system has been beneficial in the growth of travel management companies has been mention below.
Following are the advantages of having multiple XML connectivity in your Online booking engine:
As a leading travel technology company, we integrate following GDS/XMLs for global clients.
GDS Integration
Hotel XML Integration (Hotels / Transfers / Sightseeing / Activities)
Why hotel APIs are a key part of online hotel booking systems today?
To access wide array of online inventory, online hotel booking system is integrated with one or more Hotel APIs. An API is a set of functions, procedures or methods used by computer programs to request services from the OS, software libraries or any other service providers running on the system. Nowadays, there are various Hotel API providers available in the market like Expedia Hotel API, GTA API, Hotelbeds API, Hotelspro API, Travco API, and many more.