GDS Global Distribution System, is a worldwide CRS network to book the rickets of global airlines. The contents, flight details, availability and booking details are distributed through Global Distribution System (GDS suppliers or GDS providers).
Following are the major GDS providers in the market
• Abacus, serving asian market
• Travelsky, serving majorly china
• Infini, serving majorly japan
• Axess, serving majorly japan
• Topas, serving majorly south korea
To maximize the sales these GDS providers started selling their inventories through the mode of XMLs along with the hotel XMLs. This helped the travel agents to integrate these XML or GDS system in their own website in the form of API’s to get their airline booking system. Travel agents could sell their own tickets with their own brands by under their own travel portal:
Why travel portals and online booking software are going for merchant accounts and mcommerce way?
A merchant account is a specific bank account intended to hold funds, received from credit and debit card sales through online payment interfaces on B2C travel software and Travel POS. If you’ve ever used your card and actually wondered where the funds just disappeared to, they went into a merchant account. When a customer pays for booking travel products using credit or debit card, money from his account is immediately transferred to the travel agent’s merchant account. From there, money will be transferred out to a normal business bank account through a standard protocol.